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Do you want to use your Light Seed for intention setting? Here's how!


Your candle has been carefully crafted to honour self care and encourage a regular ritual of connnecting with your inner self & strenghten your intuition.

Once lit the fragrant energies release to lift your vibration.  You'll likely soon find you're in a clearer space.

Relax and soften your eyes as you cast your gaze across the flame and ease into a calm state of being. You may choose to set intentions or simply just take a moment to be present and have some chill time.

 If you wish to set inentions or manifest, find some time when you know you're not going to be interrupted.. If you have young kids it's a really nice practice to quietly get up 30 minutes earlier than anyone else to top your own cup up for the day!

Every candle comes with affirmation cards that align specifically to each individual LightSeed & their purpose.   You may choose to use ours or create your own intentions.  Just remember to state them out LOUD!  Because this is where the shifts really begin.  Speak it, believe it , feel it , visualise it .  

...So your probably thinking why affirmations?

Stating affirmations help plant positive seeds to grow, they help overcome negative thoughts, use to empower self belief and confidence, affirmations are also a powerhouse for motivation.. Top athletes dont go out to compete telling themselves they might win if they're lucky!  

Ok you're ready !

1. Settle yourself into beautiful ritual space.. if you like prepare a cup of your favourite tea, get comfortable and light your candle.  Relax & soften your eyes as you cast your gaze across the flames, you'll soon naturaly ease into a calm state of being.

Have a journal near by & jot down any thoughts or guidance that may drop in.   

2. Set intentions and manifest by getting specific about a particular goal or desire.

3. Write your intentions down - be specific here & realistic.  Be willing to do the work to recieve what it is your callling in.

4. Visualise it as thou you have it, what does it feel like?  smell it , touch it, hear it .. imagine experincing it with all your senses.

5. Be prepared to do the work to recieve what it is your calling in.

6. You have planted the seeds, trust that they will germinate and grow. 

7. Take note of the signs, write them down and step forward into anything that aligns with what your calling in.

If you are clearing yourself of negative emotions -

Release tension you're becoming open to recieve intuitive insights and clarity - it's often the moments in relaxed calm that the mind will begin to wander  this is the space clear guidance often shows up in.

1. Acknowledge the feelings of unease and tension - breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.  As you breathe in allow yourself to soften and release all that presents.   If tears fall allow them to release.

You may find it helps to write your negative thoughts down and later burn the paper in your fire or take the paper outside to light with a match. 

 There you have it - how you can use your LightSeed - crystal energies and high vibrational aromas, as they release within your candle, wax melting as it disappears leaving the physical realm - taking with it the message of your intention.

Use your high vibrational Lightseed candle to relax , protect, cleanse,  release, manifest, uplift and aid intuition and connection . Or simply light to enjoy the beautiful fragrances. 

 Feel into selecting the Light Seed you are drawn too or enjoy the Divine Bundle,  contact us for any help or question we are here if you need any assistance.